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Stacking Chairs – Yes, but What Else?

Stacking chairs, stacking church chairs, metal and wood stacking chairs, village hall stacking chairs, stacking chairs for community centre, leisure centre, conference chairs, stacking conference chairs

The most common pre-requisite given to us on a new enquiry is ‘the chairs must stack’. This is why the vast majority of our chairs are stacking chairs.

With over 20 years experience supplying high quality stacking chairs, Alpha can help with advice and ask the right questions. This helps folk to arrive at a shortlist of  chairs that tick the right boxes. This process alone can whittle the shortlist down from dozens to a handful of suitable chairs. It is then usual to take advantage of our free sample chair trial service. They can then concentrate on efficiency of storage, comfort, extras and looks, so that the right stacking chair is selected.

You can see our full range of stacking chairs, grouped into categories, here:

To see some images of our chairs in use, please see our case studies page here: and if you can’t see the chair you’re looking for, give us a call and the likelihood is that we’ll have photos of the chair in situ on file.